26 Apr 2011

tea time snack

With two of my cousins coming over during Easter, my mum made donuts again and filled them with some strawberry jam. Unlike last time when we had them for supper, she prepared them earlier and we had them with some tea.


I will be leaving for camp in a few days and won't be back until next month. Adios amigos and keep smiling! (Does anyone remember El Nombre?)

15 Apr 2011

it's too bloody hard

"Croissants are a pain in the bum to do...The best suggestion I could make about Croissants is to buy them from your baker; don't try to make them yourself. If it's too bloody hard, it's too bloody hard."
Tom O'Toole (founder of Beechworth Bakery) via MORE Secrets of the Beechworth Bakery

Perhaps I should have listened to Tom's advice before venturing out to make my own using a recipe found in Bourke Street Bakery's cookbook. Making it was pretty tiring as it does take a lot of time and effort to get to the finished result. From the hand kneading, 1/2 kilo butter bashing to all the rolling! No recipe posting as I think that most people wouldn't be interested in making their own. Like Tom said, just buy them from your baker!

My parents ought to be worried that I'd rather make croissants rather than study for university...well for that weekend anyway :)


Photos taken on the Nikon D5000, cross processed on instagr.am

9 Apr 2011

footscray jumble sale

I don't know if anyone caught my tweet or Norica's (Japanese tweet) last week, that we'd be at Footscray Primary School participating in the fundraising for Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami. Despite the cold and windy weather, it was good to see lots of people coming to participate in the event and enjoy Fairtrade coffee and tea.

During the jumble sale, we had three stalls donating all their proceeds to the Japan relief. In the end, the cake stall, pot plant stand and Norica and friend's origami workshop raised a total of over $1000! To be exact, $1250.85! Despite not doing much at the event, I was happy I was able to contribute in some way by baking some chocolate muffins (using Nigella Lawson's recipe) and doing some photography over the day.

I was also able to meet a handful of people whom I talked to sometime during the day, one of them even completed the same degree in the same university as the one I'm studying now!

Many thanks to the parents who donated home baked goods, the mothers who helped with the origami workshop and the lovely girls (below) who volunteered to run the pot plant stand. And a BIG thank you to Norica of Burning Books for inviting me to this event :)

If you guys have time, please hope over to Norica's blog to check out her post (in Japanese).

2 Apr 2011

thursday's lunch break

This Thursday's lunch break involved my new found university friend Iris, eating frozen yogurt on the streets of Swanston, watching the world go by in Melbourne Central's "indoor garden", exploring the new food court and snapping photos with her Casio EX-FC100. 

The above photos are mine whereas the ones down below are hers. I like how there's two different perspectives of the same thing. I think she like shooting portrait with different angles, while I prefer landscape and straight lines. I like her shots so hopefully more of these lunch breaks in the future :)