23 Oct 2011

a short lived summer

Spring weather came to Melbourne and went in flash! It felt more like a summer than a spring to me though. However, it's has now reverted back to it's gloomy, rainy state. The heat wasn't too bad as long as there were cool breezes, but I find it more tolerable with the current weather. Here's hoping it will hold out for just a few more weeks! (Surely summer loving folks will be charging at me now.)

At least I made some lemonade (a few weeks ago...)! I remember my dad making a tart lemonade back in our old kitchen. The child me would always tell him to add more sugar. But he never did, saying it was enough. Nowadays, I prefer it towards the tart side.

Recipe yields around one litre worth of strong tart lemonade. Please use the above as a guideline only. Feel free to adjust the ingredients to suit your tastes.